Anleitung Braun, modell MULTIQUICK MR 5550 M CAV
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
4Й®***Я, JFJÈJF £(В), Й^ЙЧ. 1!ЙТ»^ЙМГв1Й-К, * Й»Ф»МТЙЙЙ^. МПШИ, *ФЙ<ЧВ^Й¥, itkWMltS» ЩШХШ®, «SER»íí»ÉttSSo 5ЩША&Ч, ШНЯГШЩЩГ. JFMJh, пГЧШ )*ИЙ^®, *£ЖФ1№ёЗ¥Й. 6SM*am±ST»SM, шшч&йшс), йШШвЩфВрйГ. ЯЕ* • 4йшшф, иййчй^ fcjft, ЙЙЙЙт**®#, fl*«Jt*5ttt. •«»ЙШШШШЙ, £*«Й*Й5#** PftîlË'I'iÿïlOmm. Д)фЖё«#Й, Ш да«л®ий**1ййЯй^в**рйВЕЛ ^ 20mm о •®5fflææ^«»j№3&®*, mjktmíigi* ffcft(N). •KÄ(N)ffl*i6ÄÄ%, авей^ЯЕЖйЖ» ¡т. шфяййййтша.^^ё^ш ЩШШШ. • ifrtft*s«STMfeé$st. и^й^шиш »ííjh, sä-wie® mm, ^^я*ййвип®®шв^|«. •е#а®Ф, ягк^ж^^мп^й^ ш, aïssÂSw^Riï. ЭсШЙЛ^П, «««»se. ±яййй№ (МПЯЙ^ЙЙИ)«*?-, *»'S, •шлжйй^йп, nus asffiSíiG), рхл«кйфйй. • Й^Ж«ЙЖД7«№Ж^, Я*«ЙЯЛЖ шит. (аашя»йш*да鹫т1Е)#%^шшй-й« ЯЯШ: -1S+7-C i. таштжъ&нзш. шшт шшт *£*#Ш шттш IMI. /híSJtt) 6 10-12 Sí**** (й**й>й) 3 10 ттштт 0 2 ТШ-йвав (ЛПЗЁЗШч *Л) 3 30 п. «»**йг^*йм*№»№*, шштт яййййидавгдайвйййт^й, ш ЙШЙ, í#S'J*«®-RBtl'4®#^$, Äftffi «ш-кйт. 15Ä* (ЙЙЙШ*) ^#Ш0 7^ Й1Й 10-14^ >ФЙЙ§6 7^ m.íE||S¡KSTe#635etS. *^ШСй-&* 1оо%«а. тш$и&шр,жишб5%. 11 •ъ 7ШЙ.ШWM, ШШЫТШШ : >ф*РЯ40°сат, ffiJt шш 1ШЁЯШ91«»**М, *Я»г*#?№ШтЖй. я№йМ7Кй;а^*®*ат(А)»жйй(о). * тъньшш^ятш**, ишя»тб&к ф. й№йг#?®{«пгдййгт>*?ё. «тмп ШнК MíSÉíH(M)?nMnSiíO(L), шя ?F*í'2t«lÑ>*S, *нГ&КТ#й, «JhM т. ЯЖЙ£№ТМПШН), ÆtëJtfêiË, ЯШ fêtijo ШШ, *TFreshWare(«g¥#ä) FreshWaregSÖffift«a»ffi®:«aj£, tësgffi. ffiSiiStfu ¿ЮзКЙЙШШФ, чтйй£®д, в&тт-к®1ишя.-%.1яш ÄH. йялк^й, SPES^FreshWare, £Н#Л^ рГЛй#: •0.9|®®#S: *ИШ х^йй^шш, йшжё. •3.1 &&. шшш&, M&¥#^«TR^MFreshWareMS: •0.61 И®#*: fflïfi#iS«pan. ШЙК «Ä. «т. ш^тш, шшш. •1.21 и®#*: ттш^тат, &ж«ё, Й№ЙМ+1Й¥#. И®. «T»7KS=F^. м-и№й**#й«я№яй#Ф'11'й, рг!й»±а ffliTR^MFreshWareg^. (^ftj^BS®WÄJSi) «« шшг&шшшпшш, «шшшян 5F$èi+Jt. й«1#«йя^^папн«»щг^ае§1Ёй<)## жш, шп^шийгй^яёйФ^й,. (»ШШ)-Й£^8ШЙВгаипШ#й, *?*й ±й{М**Ё}ШТЙв: • й^н^ашзбййгйшшп: ffiHfgiS ftffi, »^ДвЛ^ЙЙЯШ, Ш.Ш къшш- •lE^ttfflglíBM^S,*^ ШЙ, ■ШЙ^ЙЙ« ЯЙШШЛ«Ч”№*. • ШтФШЙЯЁШЗЯ. Ш,Шо • штгй&шм&шшАяшш, шг&ш H7^№ÄsKBraun)M#ft, «ШШШЬ • ЙВД^&ЙЖЧ-'. ЁШЙЙЩвМИ&Ц^. #Ж«а±Ьй^йР pafj^*ea#^ÄPSfj*ffi№4rftiT. • &штйт.т®ш%#*тт&шт&№ИЁ ж, шт'¥шш№т&ттшшшщ* ЛЙЙЯИИЙШШЬ Я. НШ8Й1Ш*£НФ&ЖМ#ШХ;Й^ё шшт й. тшшттшт, шшшттйкж. ®%ШШШШ- 800-820-1357 ¥ШЯ&МШ: 400-820-1357 JS^B: tit ädw: щщ(±тшшжм%№&ц ж it: ±тя%шшт»&55% $PÍí$S&!^3Ít»Si. 12 English Congratulations! You have purchased an appliance that will help you maintain the freshness and quality of your food for longer. By extracting and keeping air out, the vacuum pump creates vacuum conditions in rigid containers. This food preservation system is therefore perfect for retaining the freshness, taste and quality of your food for longer. About vacuum preservation Oxygen is one of the main reasons why food deteriorates. By causing a chemical change, it reduces the nutritional value, level of vitamins, texture, colour, flavour and overall quality of the food. In vacuum conditions, the food deterioration process is slowed down. The Braun fresh system has been designed to offer maximum flexibility to the user in the preparation and preservation of food. The system is therefore ideal for everyday use. There are, however, a few general safeguards that need to be followed to obtain the best results. Caution Please read through the use instructions carefully before using the appliance. • Vacuum preservation is not a substitute for food storage in the refrigerator or freezer. Therefore, the recommended storage times and especially temperatures for the respective food types need to be strictly observed. We further recommend a storage temperature of between -1 and +7 °C (based on the recommendations of the BfR - Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany) for perishable food. This can be achieved by storing the food in the special cool compartments of the refrigerator. • Do not use the vacuumiser to store fresh fish, seafood products or minced meat in the refrigerator. In general, these types of food should only be stored in the freezer. • Always allow food to cool down to room temperature (below 40 °C) before applying the vacuum (to prevent a vacuum boiling effect). • Household vacuum food storage cannot be compared with industrial vacuum food packaging. It is not possible to achieve the same kind of pre-treatment and microbiological quality in the home. • Never preserve whipped food (e.g. whipped cream, beaten egg white, desserts, cream etc.) in vacuum conditions. This kind of food is likely to expand due to the vacuum, might enter the vacuum pump and damage it. • The lids of the FreshWare containers are not microwave-proof and not oven-proof. Tips and tricks • The combination of Braun FreshWare and the vacuum pump will make it possible to marinate such foods as beef in hours instead of days. For best results, pour marinade over the meat, then create a vacuum and release it right away. Repeat this procedure twice more and let the beef marinate without vacuum for three hours. • Food such as rice, ...