Hersteller: Huey Chiao
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Dateiname: dd4b1553-855c-4878-b75e-0f0f60eef5ab.pdf

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
3. Press either the increase (+) or decrease (-) volume button to endthemutefunction. 14. Transferring calls . When you are answering the call with the Headset, press the increase (+) volume key for 2~3 seconds until you hear one “Du” sound, then the call will be transferred to your mobile phone. 2.Whenyouareansweringthecallwiththemobilephone,press thefunctionbutton of the mobile phoneto transfer the call to your Headset. For some mobile phones, the phone LCD will showthetransferring sign, some willnot. Note: . To activate this function, your mobile phone must support the Handsfree mode. For more details, please check the manual of yourmobilephone. 15. Maintaining calls . When you are answering the call with the Headset, press the decrease (-) volume key for 2~3 seconds until you hear one “Du” sound, then the call will be maintained. If there is an 0 interruptingcallcoming,theHeadsetwillansweritautomatically. 2. Press the decrease (-) volume key for 2~3 seconds until you hear one “Du” sound to end the maintaining call function. Also do this to renew thecall. Note: . To activate this function, please make sure the assigned telecommunications agent provides this service. .To activate this function, pleaserefer to theinstructions of your mobile phones manual to make sure your phone program supportsthisfunction. 16. Ending Call 1 and answering Call 2 While you are answeringCall from your Headset, and having theinterruptingcall,youwillhearthenotifying“DuDu”sound. Press and hold the decrease (-) volume button for 4~5 seconds until you hear one “Du” sound followed by the music, Call 1 willbeendedandtheinterruptingcall(Call2)willbeanswered automatically. Note: . To activate this function, please make sure the assigned telecommunications agent provides this service. .To activate this function, pleaserefer to theinstructions of your mobile phones manual to make sure your phone program supportsthisfunction. 17. Triple phone conversation . While you are answering Call from your Headset and hav ing the interrupting call, you will hear the notifying “Du Du” sound. Press the decrease (-) volume key for 2~3 seconds until you hear the “Du” sound, Call 1 will be maintained and theinterrupting call (Call 2) willbe answeredautomatically. 2. To proceed the triple phone conversation while you are answering the interrupting call (Call 2), press the increase (+) volume key for 2~3 seconds until you hear the “Du” sound, the maintained Call will be renewed, then the three ends cantalk together. 3. To end the triple phone conversation, press the function button, thenCall and Call 2 will be hanged uptogether. Note: . Toactivatethisfunction, youmustmake suretheassignedtelecommunications agent supportsthisservice. .To activate this function, pleaserefer to theinstructions of your mobile phones manual to make sure your phone program supportsthisfunction. . Whenthetriplephoneconversationisonboard,itcannotreturn to the mode of having onlyCall orCall 2. . Whenthe triplephoneconversationhas notbeenactivated,you can press the decrease (-) volume key for 2~3 seconds to easily transfer the calls betweenCall andCall 2. 2 . If Call 1 is maintained and Call 2 is on line, quickly press the functionbuttonto end Call 2 andrenew Call . 18. Adjusting the Volume During acall, you may adjust the Headset’s volume. . Toincrease the volume, press the increase (+) volumekey. 2.Todecrease the volume, press the decrease (-)volume key. Note: . Youwillhearthe“DuDu”soundwhileadjustingthevolumeup to the loudestorlowest. 19. Safety instruction . Read the Headset manual carefully and use the headset correctly by following the instructions. 2. Keep the Headset away from children, avoid children from swallowingit accidentally. 3. Do not use thecleaning liquid orsprayto clean theHeadset. 4. Do not clean the Headsetwhilecharging it. 5.DonotdisassembletheHeadset. Ifyouencounteraproblem, contacttheretailer shop. . Urgent handling 3 -Ifyou encontera problem, turn theHeadset off first. -Iftheinsidecomponentsbreakdown,pleasecontact therepairing center to ask forimmediate supportandservice. 20. Specification ProductModelNo.HCB29 StandardConvention/SignalOutput BluetoothV .2,ClassII FrequencyBand2.4GHz~2.4835GHz,ISMBand Talk/StandbyTime Upto9hours/Upto300hours SupportingProfileHeadset&Handsfree Connection PeertoPeer DataEncryption 28bitsencrypted PowerCapacity RechargeableLi-Polymer PowerSupply5VDC, 00~240VACadapter OperationTemperature - 0 ~55 . FacilitySavingTemperature-20~60. OperationMoisture 0% ~90%(non-concretestatus) Weight 4g(batteryincluded) Size 6 x23x23mm SafetyRegulationCE,FCC,BQB 4 21. Excluding Problems 1.TheHeadsetflashestheredindicatorlight:Thebatteryislow, please rechargeyourHeadset. 2. If after recharging for 20 minutes, the Headset does not turn on: For initial use, the power will be on after charging the Headset at least for 40 minutes. It is suggested to fully rechargetheHeadset ifyou useitfor the first time. 3.Doesnotshowtherechargingsign:Whenthebatteryis...