Anleitung Zusammenfassung
• Widening of the felling cut. ° Movement in the upper branches. OPERATION SAFETY FELLING SAFETY DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN THESE POSITIONS Check the wind -Check the lean Check the balance - Don't cut down wind Don't cut on down side Don't cut on weighted side .... i I_IL WARNING:DO NOT CUT." -NEAR ELECTRICAL WIRES OR BUILDINGS. -IF YOU DO NOT KNOW TH E DIRECTION OF TREE FALL. -AT NIGHT. -DURING BAD WEATHER -RAIN, SNOW, STRONG WIND, ETC. • Look for decay and rot. If the trunk is rotted,itcan snap and falltoward the operator, • Check for broken or dead branches which can fall on you while cutting. • Be extremelycautious with partially fallen treesthat may be poorlysupported. When a tree doesn't fallcompletely, set the saw aside and pull down the tree w_tha cable winch, blockand tackle, or tractor.To avoid injury,do not cut down a Dartially fallen tree with your saw. •-_: .:_::J,J -14 OPERATION BUCKING BUCKING USING A SUPPORT (Fig. 15 & 16) Buckingiscuttingafallentreetothedesiredlogsize. Anotherlogor a stand, suchas a sawhorse, may be used as supportswhen bucking. TYPES OF CUTTING (Fig. 13) • Overcutting -begin on the top side of the log with the bottom of the saw chassis against the log; exert light pressure downward. • Undercutting-begin on the undersideof the tog withthe top of the saw chassisagainst the log; exert light pressure upward. During undercutting,the saw will tend to push backat you,Be preparedforthis reaction and hold the saw firmly to maintain control, Undercut ":. :G?] Ovemut "_ ,i Saw Chassis Figure 13 BUCKING ON THE GROUND (Fig. 14) * Overcut with a 1/3 diameter cut. • Roll log over and finish withan overcut. "2 Figure 14 i_ OPERATION BUCKING SAFETY WARNING: DO NOT STAND ON THE LOG BEING CUT, ANY PORTION CAN ROLL CAUSING LOSS OF FOOTING AND CONTROL, NEVER TURN THE SAW UPSIDE DOWN TO UNDERCUT. THE SAW CANNOT BE CONTROLLED IN THIS POSITION. • Stay on uphill side of tree when cutting. -15 • Area A -Undemut 1/3 of the way throughthe log. -Finish with an ovetcut, • Area B -Overcut 1/3 of theway throughthe log. -Finish with an undercut. A_ -<-----B-------m_ -.<--A-_ ,.,cu, I.cot Figure 15 _ B_ .<--A--_ 1st Cut 2nd Cut Another Log Figure 16 BUCKING TIPS ° CUt only one log at a time. • Cut shattered wood very carefully.Sharp pieces of wood couldbe flung toward the operator. • Use a sawhorse to cut small logs. Never allow another personto hold the log while cutting and never hold the log with your leg or foot. • Do not cut in an area where logs,limbs, and roots are tangled such as ira bl6wn down area. Drag the logs into a clear area before cutting by pulling outexposed and cleared logs first. ' • Give special attention to logs under strain to prevent the saw from pinching. Make the first cut on the pressure side to relieve the stress on the log. SAFETY Use Common Sense Maintain Secure Footing ':.! OPERATION PRUNING AND LIMBING PRUNING PROCEDURE Pruningis removingbranchesfroma standingtree. • Cut 1 -Undercut 1/3 of the way through the limb near Limbingis removing branchesfrom a felled tree. the trunk of the tree. • Cut 2 -Finish with an overcut farther out from the trunk LIMBING (Fig. 17) until the limb falls. Keep out of the way of the fairing limb. • Start at base of the felled tree and work toward the top. • Pruning Cut -Cut the limb stump flush at the edge of • Leave the larger limbs underneath the felled tree to supportthe tree as you work. l Cut 2 Pruning Cut Cut 1 J •' , Figure18 Figure 17 PRUNING AND LIMBING TIPS PRUNING (Fig. 18) • Work slowly, keeping both hands firmly gripped on the Small branches-smallerthan widthof guidebar. saw. Maintain secure footingand balance. Large branches-larger than width of guide bar. • Keep a clear workarea.Frequently clear branchesoutof • Remove small limbs with one cut. the way to avoid trippingover them. • Remove larger, supportingbranches with the 1/3 -2/3 • Leave the larger limbsunderneath the felledtree to supcuttingtechniquesdescribedinthebuckingsection. portthetreeasyouwork. • Start at the base of the felled tree and work towardthe top. ° Keep the tree between you and the chain. Cut fromthe side of the tree oppositethe branch you are cutting. • Limit pruningto limbsshoulder height or below. " • Keep out of the way of the falling limb. OPERATION SAFETY PRUNING AND LIMBING SAFETY Watch out for spdn.gpoles. Use extreme cautionwhen cuttingsmall sl'i'2elirfibs.Slender material may catch the saw chain and be whipped toward you or pul! you off NEVER CUMB INTO A TREE TOLIMB OR I_ WARNING: balance. -"_21 PRUNE UNLESS SPEClRCALLY TRAINED Be alert for springback_Watch out for branches that are TO DO SO. DO NOT STAND ON LADDERS, PLATFORMS, A LOG, OR IN ANY POSITION bentor under pressureas you are cutting to avoid being WHICH CAN CAUSEYOUTO LOSEYOUR struckbythebranchorthesawwhenthetensioninthe BALANCE OR CONTROL OFTHE SAW. wood fibers is released. BE ALERT FOR AND GUARD AGAINST= KICKBACK. DO NOT ALLOW THE MOVING CHAIN TO CONTACT ANY OTHER BRANCHES OR OBJECTS AT THE NOSE...
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