Hersteller: Pentair
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
If carton or any filter components are damaged, notify freight carrier immediately. 2. After inspection, carefully remove filter components from carton — filter tank, gauge, air bleeder. 3. Place the filter in its permanent location on a level slab, preferably concrete poured in a form or on a platform constructed of concrete block or brick. DO NOT use sand to level the filter and pump mounting as it may wash away, leaving the unit out of level. During operation this condition will cause vibration and inefficient performance. 4. Assemble valve to tank. Be sure O-rings on valve fittings are in place and are clean. Use a lubricant, applied lightly, such as petroleum jelly or silicone on O-rings and O-ring grooves prior to assembly. 5. Align valve with tank so that the handle is toward the top of the tank, push valve into ports and turn the bulkhead nuts snugly on tank fittings. It is not necessary to cinch valve nuts to tank fitting beyond hand tightness. 6. Assemble piping and pipe fittings to pump and valve. A check valve is recommended between the heater and filter to eliminate the possibility of hot water “back-up” which may cause deformed grid elements and to prevent D.E. from migrating to pool when system is off. Filter Operation HOW TO START FILTERING 1. Check clamp assembly for tightness. See instructions below. 2. Position valve handle to FILTER position. OPEN BLEEDER VALVE ON THE FILTER TOP. Check pump strainer pot to be sure it is full of water. Replace pump lid. 3. Start pump and tank will fill. Close air bleeder valve when water begins to come out. At this point tank and all piping are filled with water. 4. Remove the skimmer lid, putthe recommended amount of diatomaceous earth (D.E.) into the skimmer. The D.E. will be drawn into the filter and deposited evenly upon the grid elements. Now, filter is providing the pool with bright, clean water. NOTE: DO NOT OPERATE FILTER WITHOUT D.E. CHARGE FOR MORE THAN TWO MINUTES. -CA UTION:- NEVER VACUUM POOL WITH FILTER HANDLE IN BACKWASH POSITION. This filter operates under pressure. When closed properly and operated without air in the water system, this filter will operate in a safe manner. AIR ENTERING FILTER AND THE UNIT NOT CLOSED CORRECTLY CAN CAUSE THE TANK TOP TO BLOW OFF AND COULD CAUSE SEVERE BODILY INJURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Never attempt to open clamp while there is pressure in the filter. Before opening, turn pump off and open air relief valve. ASSEMBLY OF TANK HALVES 1. Be sure O-ring is in proper position. Install tank top. Locate filter clamp over both flanges, tank top and tank bottom. 2. Alternate tightening the T-Bolts from one side of tank to the other, a little each time. DO NOT tighten one T-Bolt completely and then tighten the other T-Bolt. This will result in uneven loading on the clamp and flanges. (NOTE: Some filler models have only one (1) T-Bolt.) 3. While tightening T-Bolts you must tap clamp all around the diameter with a mallet or similar tool to insure uniform loading. 4. T-Bolt nut must be tightened to 60 inch lbs. torque. (NOTE: A torque wrench must be used to achieve the proper torque.) 5. The bleeder valve on filter tank must be open before starting pump. 6. Start pump. 7. Close air bleeder valve when a steady stream of water flows from the valve -- this indicates that all air is bled from tank. WHEN TO CLEAN FILTER As dirt is collected in the filter the pressure gauge will gradually rise and the flow to the pool will be lowered. When the flow has been reduced by about 1 /3, note the pressure gauge reading. In the future the higher gauge reading can be used as a guide to tell when backwashing is needed. The increase in pressure will be in the general area of 10 pounds, but will vary depending on the pump being used with the filter. CLEANING FILTER WITH MULTIPORT VALVE: To perform the backwash operation, first shut off the pump. Shiftthe valve handle to BACKWASH position. Start pump. The unit should backwash until the water appears clean thru the sight glass. The backwash operation takes about two or three minutes. Stop the pump, and shift valve handle to RINSE position. Start pump and run for approximately 30 seconds. Stop the pump and turn valve handle to FILTER position. Start pump, the filter has now started a new filtering cycle. Perform the steps required for coating of grids described earlier in this manual. CLEANING FILTER WITH PUSH-PULL VALVE First shut off pump. Pull handle up to BACKWASH position. Start pump. The unit should backwash until water appears clean thru an inline sight glass in the waste line. This operation takes two or three minutes. Stop pump and push valve handle down to FILTER position. Wait 30 seconds and start pump. The filter has started a new cycle. Perform the steps required for coating of grids described earlier in this manual. Filter Care 1. To clean the filter exterior of dust, dirt, etc., wash with a mild detergent and water, then hose off. Do not use ...