Anleitung Panasonic, modell CQC500U
Hersteller: Panasonic Dateigröße: 7.5 mb Dateiname: CQC500U-MUL.PDF

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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
• Priere de lire attentivement ces instructions (y compris la « Garantie limitee » et le « Repertoire des services a la clientele ») avant d’utiliser ce produit et conserver ce manuel d’instructions pour s’y referer ulterieurement. • Lea con atencion estas instrucciones antes de utilizar el producto y guarde este manual para poderlo consultar en el futuro. Safety Information . Read the operating instructions for the unit and all other components of your car audio system carefully before using the system. They contain instructions about how to use the system in a safe and effective manner. Panasonic assumes no responsibility for any problems resulting from failure to observe the instructions given in this manual. This pictograph intends to alert you to the presence of important operating instructions and installation instructions. Failure to heed the Warning instructions may result in severe injury or death. . This manual uses pictographs to show you how to use the product safely and to alert you to potential dangers resulting from improper connections and operations. The meanings of the pictographs are explained below. It is important that you fully understand the meanings of the pictographs in order to use this manual and the system properly. This pictograph intends to alert you to the presence of important operating instructions and installation instructions. Failure to heed the instructions may Caution result in injury or material damage. Warning Observe the following warnings when using this unit. .The driver should neither watch the display nor operate the system while driving. Watchingthedisplayoroperatingthesystemwilldistractthedriverfromlookingaheadofthevehicleandcancauseaccidents.Alwaysstopthevehicleinasafelocationandusetheparkingbrakebeforewatchingthedisplayoroperatingthesystem. .Use the proper power supply. Thisproductisdesignedforoperationwithanegativegrounded1 VDCbatterysystem.Neveroperatethisproductwithotherbatterysystems,especiallya 4VDCbatterysystem. .Keep batteries and insulation film out of reach of infants. Batteriesandinsulationfilmcanbeingested,sokeepthemoutofthereachofinfants.Ifaninfantingestsabatteryorinsulationfilm,pleaseseekimmediatemedicalattention. .Protect the Deck Mechanism. Donotinsertanyforeignobjectsintotheslotofthisunit. .Do not disassemble or modify the unit. Donotdisassemble,modifytheunitorattempttorepairtheproductyourself.Iftheproductneedstoberepaired, consultyourdealeroranauthorizedPanasonicServicenter. .Do not use the unit when it is out of order. Iftheunitisoutoforder(nopower,nosound)orinanabnormalstate(hasforeignobjectsinit,isexposedtowater,issmoking,orsmells),turnitoffimmediatelyandconsultyourdealer. .The remote control unit should not lie about in the car. Iftheremotecontrolunitliesabout,itcouldfallonthefloorwhiledriving,getwedgedunderthebrakepedal,andleadtoatrafficaccident. .Refer fuse replacement to qualified service personnel. Whenthefuseblowsout,eliminatethecauseandhaveitreplacedwiththefuseprescribedforthisunitbyaqualifiedserviceengineer.Incorrectreplacementofthefusemayleadtosmoke,fire,anddamagetotheproduct. Observe the following warnings when installing. .Disconnect the lead from the negative (–) battery terminal before installation. Wiringandinstallationwiththenegative(–)batteryterminalconnectedmaycauseelectricalshockandinjuryduetoashortcircuit. Somecarsequippedwiththeelectricalsafetysystemhavespecificproceduresofbatteryterminaldisconnection. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE PROCEDURE MAY LEAD TO THE UNINTENDED ACTIVATION OF THE ELECTRICAL SAFETY SYSTEM RESULTING IN DAMAGE TO THE VEHICLE AND PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. .Never use safety-related components for installation, grounding, and other such functions. Donotusesafety-relatedvehiclecomponents(fueltank, brake,suspension,steeringwheel,pedals,airbag,etc.)forwiringorfixingtheproductoritsaccessories. .Installing the product on the air bag cover or in a location where it interferes with airbag operation is prohibited. .Check for piping, gasoline tank, electric wiring, and other items before installing the product. Ifyouneedtoopenaholeinthevehiclechassistoattachorwiretheproduct,firstcheckwherethewireharness, gasolinetank,andelectricwiringarelocated.Thenopentheholefromoutsideifpossible. .Never install the product in a location where it interferes with your field of vision. .Never have the power cord branched to supply other equipment with power. .After installation and wiring, you should check the normal operation of other electrical equipment. Thecontinuationoftheirusinginabnormalconditionsmaycausefire,electricalshockoratrafficaccident. .In the case of installation to an airbag-equipping car, confirm warnings and cautions of the vehicle manufacturer before installation. .Make sure the leads do not interfere with driving or getting in and out of the vehicle. .Insulate all exposed wires to prevent short circuiting. CQ-C500U or designated may result in internal damage to the unit. Faulty Caution installation may lead to an acc...