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Anleitung Altec Lansing, modell iMT525

Hersteller: Altec Lansing
Dateigröße: 300.27 kb
Dateiname: 2ecece05-f15d-447e-85dc-dc5250a16817.pdf


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Anleitung Zusammenfassung

Let the sound out (!) with the Altec Lansing SoundBlade Wireless Speaker System with Bluetooth® technology*. Sleek and surprisingly thin—yet powerful—it features a matched pair of two-inch, lightweight neodymium speakers, plus SRS Wow™ technology that expands the size of the audio field and fills the room with full-spectrum sound. What's more, there's a built-in echo-cancelling microphone that turns your mobile phone into a first-class speakerphone. With the SoundBlade wireless speaker system, you'll be headphones-free. And you'll be amazed. SoundBlade Wireless Speaker System with Bluetooth® technology * 0 Bluetooth For mobile phone with stereo Bluetooth (A2DP) feature only (Mobile phone not included) ALTEE LANSING hear mhat's next Packaging Specifications Master Carton Quantity: 4 Master Carton Dimensions: 14.4” (W) x 13.7” (D) x 9.4” (H) Display Carton Dimensions: 13.8” (W) x 8.5” (D) x 3.2” (H) Master Carton Weight: 11 lbs. Display Carton Weight: 2.5 lbs. Package Contents SoundBlade wireless speaker system Power supply 3.5mm stereo cable for other devices User's guide and quick connect instructions Headquarters 535 Rte. 6 & 209 Milford, PA 18337-0277 800-ALTEC-88 • 570-296-4434 Fax 570-296-6887 • PLANTRONICS. SOUND INNOVATION' Altec Lansing Is a Plantronks* Company An amplified extension of your music-enabled Stereo Bluetooth mobile phone*, the Altec Lansing SoundBlade Wireless Speaker System with Bluetooth® technology replaces headphone listening and delivers high quality, crystal-clear sound. -Speakerphone A built-in, echo-cancelling microphone turns your Stereo Bluetooth® mobile phone into a first-class speakerphone. Voice-activated dialing The SoundBlade picks up your voice from several feet away. ■ Big sound from an ultra-thin design Altec Lansing speakers enhanced with SRS Trubass technology deliver a powerful, immersive experience with the perception of deep, rich bass. And at just 1” thick, the SoundBlade goes where you go. V."r.V.V.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y;V.V.-AV.V.7V.V.V.V.Vл,y.• AY.Y.V.YY.Y.'.Y.Y.Y.• .Y.Y.V\\YV.\VY.Y.Y.".YVГ.,Y,Y.\\\\\Y,Y//\\\\VY.Y.Y.".Y■ Y■ V, V. ‘ Y, Y,............, YЛYдYЛVЛY.YЛY.YЛY/ЛYЛVьVЛЛY.Y.Y.Y.YЛYVJYУЛVЛ■.YЛYЛY.Y/ЛVЛVЛY.Y.YЛY.Y.YJYЛYЛVЛVЛYЛYrЛYЛV^VЛY.Y.YЛYЛV^VYЛY.YЛY.Y.".Y.V.V.Y VЛVЛVVЛV.VЛr.VЛVЛLVЛVЛVЛVЛVЛYЛYЛYЛVЛVЛVi?ЛYiYЛ”ЛYЛ,ЛVЛVЛVЛVЛY.^,ЛVЛVЛVV:,Л?ЛV"ЛYЛVЛVЛYЛYiYЛYЛVЛVЛV.Y.r4Y.YЛ,ЛV.Y • ■. v \ \Ÿv y :: ; : ; ■ •. •. ■. \ \ .Ÿv >y > : ; ; ; y y л ■. ■. v •. v ÿÿ\v : : : : : ; : ■ ; : ■ ■. ■. \ \ \ ■.. ■. v ; : : ; . .y ........ ■ \ \ \ ■.. \ : ; ; ; ;........ \ y v : ;. íY.yy.-.y.y.y.y.y.y.vy.yv.. .y .y.y.y.y.y.'. y. 'TJMSMT ........................ Y..1 №^УАУЛУЛ™^ЛУД:Л,..,Аг,№ДИД*..У..,.Д\Ц,ЕГДГД!.Л".У..г.г.г.УЛ'ЛУЛ~ •..y.y.y. \y. .. :. : :.y.y. \ y.\... : :. : : y. \ •. •. •. •. •. •. : : : y.y. \ ; •. ; •. л шт шаашш в т _________ | ОДЭТШШШ лил’лудулудтттаицу ,____*Л*ЛY.Y.Y.Y.Ya aYaV.*." frfSJXNKCCXO'JXU'JlJJX, ,ЛVЛ”YЛYЛЛYЛVЛ^YЛ^YЛYЛYЛ^^VЛYЛYЛY/ЛU”ЛYЛYЛYЛYЛVЛYЛY•”"4YЛ•.. YЛ\^'iYЛYЛYЛYЛ,ЛYЛЛYЛY/4YЛVЛ,ЛVYЛY.Y4YJ7ЛYЛY.......................— ...... ........jViYiYiV.Y.Y.VVV.V.V íYíYíY.Y.Y.YíY.'.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y, Y.Y.Y.Y.V.Y.Y.Y Y.Y.Y.Y.YY Y.Y.Y.Y.YY ;.'.'.Y.'.'.'. \ V.V.V.'.V.'.Y.Y -------.Y ; v.y.y.y.y.y.y.- ; : ; .■ : :.y. y.y.y.y.y.' .■ ; .y.y.y. y.y.y.y.y: y : ; .y.y .Y.Y.' : ; .'.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.'.Y.'.'.'.’ .'.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.\Y.Y.'.'.'.Y.'. V.’."“.' Л“.' .V.'.Y.Y.'.'. ” ”y;vîvi.vIvrX'j^vIvî______________________________________________________________ Y¿Y.YСГ.YГi"ЛYaY.YiViTЛY.YЛ"ЛYa YaY-YJ.YíVYAY.YЛYiY.Ya YaYj - Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Ya Y.YjY.YiY.YiY.Y.Y.Y.YA Y-Y.Y.'.Y.Y.................................... ........... ..................AW.V.V.V.?.Y.Y.Y.V«Y^Y.YiY^Y.YaYa'¿Y.Y.Y«VY^V.?.Y.^YaYaY.Y..’^Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.YaY.Y.Y.’«Y.7.Y.:.Y.Y.Y,YaYaY.Y¿‘ñY.V.YiYjT,Y.Y.Y.V«VrY.Y«Y>V.Y.VV.Y.V,Y,Y.V.Y»VrViVriV «'•■'■Yríti7iYiY^YiYaYMY«V¿YiYiiYiYaYaYiiYáVYi7iY’’iYriYaY.Y.Y.Y.'i:YbYi’*7i’i7iYiYaYaYa'.Y. aY^Y^YwYiYaY^YaY^VYir.Y.Y.YaYaYaY«V.YiY.YiY.YaYaY.Y.YiY.Y.YaYaY.Y;Y»,rY.Y,Ya,.Y«Y.Y.'.71Yr.YriY У.УЛУ.У.УЛУЛУ.У^-У.У^УЛУ.У.У.У.УЛУ.У.ТУЛУ.У.У.У^ЛУЛУ.'Л'.У.'ЛУ.УЛУ-УЛ .Y.'.VY.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.YiY.Y.Y.Y.Yi'.".YriYaYY.Y.'iYriYiYi iY.Y-Y.7Y.Yr.TiY --------.Y.'.Y.Y.YAY.Y.Y.Y.'.Y.Y.T.Y.Y.Y.Y.'.Y.Y.Y.Y.'.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.V.Y.Y.Y.'.Y. _Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.'.'.'.'.'.Y.,.Y.Y.\Y.Y.Y".Y.'.'.'.Y.,AY.Y.Y.”.Y_Y.Y.,iYiY.Y.Y.'.,.Y.Yi Y.Y.Y. aYaYIY.Y.Yrrrr.Y ........................... .V.Y.Y.1.V.Y.Y.Y”.Y^Y.Y.Y.Y. Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.1.Y.Y.\\”^Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.\Y”.Y.Y.Y.Y.,.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.:.Y.Y.r.^Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Ya' Л“ VAY.Y.Y.Y.Y.4. -.ЛY.Y.Y.Y. .'.Y.'. '. '. Y.Y.1.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y. Y. '. ‘. '. '. '. ‘.‘.".-.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y. '. '. '.¿. ‘.Y. '.Y.Y.Y.Y. '. '. '. '.Y .Y .Y.Y.Y.'. '. '.Y.Y. '.Y.Y. '. '. '. V Y. YY.Y i’ -‘■-‘■-‘-‘■-‘-‘-Y.Y.Y.Y.1. '. '. *. -. .* .Y.Y.Y.Y. .Y.Y. '. '. '. '. '. '. .Y.Y.Y.Y.Y. '. '. '. '.!. '. V. '..' .Y.Y.Y.Y.'. '. '. '.. '.■.Y.Y.Y.Y. Y. '. '. '.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y. ". '.Y.Y. .Y.Y. \ \ \ Y.*. Y.Y.Y -------------------------------------I I laa aa luaiaiiuil ■ i ...


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