Anleitung Alto-Shaam, modell ECOSMART AR-7EVH
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
DOOr hanDle HD-26900 DrIp pan, stainless steel without drain 1001976 Feet, rubber, 2" (51mm) for counter top units only ce only 5001614 legS assembly, 6" (152mm) assembly, flanged feet, 6" (152mm) (required for stacking units) 5001414 5001761 MultI-purpOSe WIre baSket (.50 diameter pin) BS-26019 SpItS angled spit, stainless steel (7 standard with unit) piercing spit, stainless steel turkey spit, stainless steel angled spit, teflon coated SI-25934 SI-25729 5011681 5001335 StaCkIng aSSeMblY (factory installed) ar-7eVh OVer ar-7e (right-haNd) (208-240V, 1Ph) (208-240V, 3ph) (380-415V) 5009981 5009982 5009983 ar-7eVh OVer ar-7e (left-haNd) (208-240V, 1Ph) (208-240V, 3ph) (380-415V) 5010355 5010356 5010357 ar-7eVh OVer ar-7h (208-240V, 1Ph) (208-240V, 3ph) (380-415V) 5008787 5008948 5008922 StanDS ar-7e w/ shelf, 36" (914mm) ar-7e oVer 750-s, 36" (914mm) FR-26550 5002058 teFlOn® COateD aCCeSSOrY paCkage commercial grade, includes disks, drip tray and 7 angled spits 5001302 VentleSS hOOD replaCeMent FIlterS grease filter charcoal filter 5001302 5001302 AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & CareAR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care Manual • 8 Manual • 8Manual • 8 op E rat I n G I nstruct I ons op E rat I n G I nstruct I ons VENtlESS HOOD cONtrOl iDENtificatiON start-up 1. Before operating the unit, become familiar withthe operation of the controls. Read this manualcarefully and retain it for future reference. 2. Ensure the filters inside the hood are correctly inplace and the door is closed. 3. Turn on the hood by turning the power switch a to the “I” position • Note that the fan indicator light b will illuminate while running. 4. Wait 5 seconds and press the reset button c to allow the rotisserie to be turned on. 5. Continue with the operation instructions for therotisserie on page 10. ATTENTION HOOd ANd ROTISSERIE wIll NOT OpERATE uNlESS FIlTERS ARE IN plACE. greaSe FIlter CharCOal FIlter 231 1 POWER SWITCH 2 FAn InDICATOR LIGHT 3 RESET BUTTOn danGEr dIsconnEct unIt froM powEr sourcE bEforE clEanInG or sErVIcInG. cautIon the eDgeS InSIDe the hOOD hOuSIng Can be Sharp. uSe CautIOn When reMOVIng Or replaCIng FIlterS. AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & CareAR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care Manual • 9 Manual • 9Manual • 9 opEratInG InstructIons opEratInG InstructIons rotIssErIE control IdEntIfIcatIon Cook Cycle Indicator Bar Preheat Indicator Bar Cook Time Indicator Bar 1 Cook Time Indicator Bar 2 .FOR 2-STEP COOKING TIME Cook Temperature Indicator Bar 1 Cook Temperature Indicator Bar 2 . FOR 2-STEP COOKING ON/OFF Power Key Cook Key Start Key Preset Menu Program Keys OPTION Preset Program Cancellation Key Jog Key TO ROTATE SPITS IN INCREMENTS FOR PRODUCT REMOVAL WHEN DOOR IS OPEN Holding Indicator Bar Product Ready Indicator Bar UP Arrow Key LED Display DOWN Arrow Key Preset Key Lock Indicator Bar Time Key Hold Key Underscore Light Program Menu Identification Card Slot Stop Key Cool Down Indicator Light AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & CareAR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care Manual • 10 Manual • 10Manual • 10 QuIck rEfErEncE opEratIonQuIck rEfErEncE opEratIon AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care AR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & CareAR-7EVH Electric Rotisserie with Ventless Hood Operation & Care Manual • 11 Manual • 11Manual • 11 allOW tHE rOtiSSEriE tO PrEHEatLOAD PRODUCT WHEN OVEN BEEPS AT REGULAR INTERVALS ANDTHE START KEY AND READY INDICATOR BEGIN FLASHING ON/OFFCOOkTImEHOldSTARTReadykey key key key key Indicator 1. Press the ON/OFF key. 5. Press and set the TImE key for 2-step cooking. 2. Press and set the COOk key. 6. Press and set the HOld key. 3. Press and set the COOk key for 2-step cooking. 7. Press the HOld key again to add browning time. 4. Press and set the TImE key. 8. when preheated: Load product & press start. ItEM chIckEn, halVEsor pIEcEs chIckEn,wholE turkEybrEast porkrIbs pork loIn,bonElEss laMb lEG,bonElEss sIZE of MEat 2-1/2 to 3 lb(1,1 to 1,4 kg) 2-1/2 to 3 lb(1,1 to 1,4 kg) 5-1/2 lb (2,5 kg) 2-3/4 down 5 to 7 lb(2,3 to 3,2 kg) 8 to 11 lb(4 to 5 kg) capacIty pErspIt/baskEt 8 pieces 3-4 chickens 1 turkey breast 2 full slabs 1 to 2 pork loins 1 lamb leg suGGEstEd spIt BASKET STAnDARD ORPIERCInG SPIT BASKET OR PIERCInG BASKET BASKET BASKET OR PIERCInG cook tEMp 1 425°F (218°C) 400°F (204°C) 250°F (121°C) 250°F (121°C) 250°F (121°C) 250°F (121°C) cook tEMp 2 nOT REQUIRED nOT REQUIRED 400°F (204°C) 375°F (191°C) 350°F (177°C) 350°F (177°C) cook tIME 1 30 minutes(20 min for long-term holding) 45 minutes 1-1/2 hours 40 minutes 1 hour 1-1/2 hours cook tIME 2 nOT REQUIRED nOT REQUIRED 15 minutes 5 minutes 15 min...