Anleitung Broilmaster, modell DPSBSS-1
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Anleitung Zusammenfassung
For use wi th Broilmaster® Premium Gas Grills THIS GAS APPLIANCE IS DESIGNED FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY IMPORTANT thiS Manual ShOuld Be read thOrOuGhly By the PerSOn inStallinG the Side Burner and all PerSOnS whO will uSe and Maintain the Side Burner. the inStaller ShOuld Be Sure the Manual iS left in the POSSeSSiOn Of the uSer. the uSer ShOuld retain thiS Manual fOr future reference when uSinG Or cleaninG the Side Burner and tO PrOPerly identify any rePair PartS that May Be required. WARNING reference thiS Manual fOr PrOPer inStallatiOn and Maintenance inStructiOnS. iMPrOPer inStallatiOn, adjuStMent, alteratiOn, Service Or Maintenance can cauSe PerSOnal injury Or PrOPerty daMaGe. fOr aSSiStance Or additiOnal infOrMatiOn cOnSult a qualified inStaller, Service aGency Or the GaS SuPPlier. CAUTION: FOR YOUR SAFETY if yOu SMell GaS: 1. Shut Off GaS tO the aPPliance. 2. extinGuiSh any OPen flaMe. 3. OPen the Grill lid. 4. if OdOr cOntinueS, iMMediately call yOur GaS SuPPlier Or fire dePartMent. 5. dO nOt tOuch electrical SwitcheS. CAUTION: FOR YOUR SAFETY 1. dO nOt StOre Or uSe GaSOline Or Other flaMMaBle vaPOrS and liquidS in the vicinity Of thiS Or any Other aPPliance. 2. an lP cylinder nOt cOnnected fOr uSe Shall nOt Be StOred in the vicinity Of thiS Or any Other aPPliance. CAUTION: PartS May have SharP edGeS. wear leather wOrk GlOveS and handle PartS carefully durinG the unPackinG, aSSeMBly and the inStallatiOn. WARNING BrOilMaSter Side BurnerS equiPPed fOr PrOPane GaS MuSt Only uSe PrOPane cylinderS equiPPed with an Overfill PrOtectiOn device (OPd). uSe Only a rePutaBle PrOPane dealer when exchanGinG Or fillinG cylinderS. an Overfilled Or iMPrOPerly filled PrOPane cylinder can Be danGerOuS. Page 2 B100539-2-0610 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Congratulations! You have chosen the finest side burner for your outdoor cooking pleasure. Please take time to read this entire manual before assembling your premium Broilmaster® gas side burner. PartsDiagram ..............................................................................................................................4 Parts List.......................................................................................................................................5 Side Burner Assembly ..............................................................................................................6-7 Propane Gas Connection........................................................................................................8-10 Natural Gas Connection ........................................................................................................ 11-12 Operation and Maintenance.......................................................................................................13 Gas Leaks ................................................................................................................................. 13 Operation .................................................................................................................................. 13 Notes ........................................................................................................................................14-15 Your Broilmaster® Side Burner is identified by model number, serial number, and gas type. This information is provided on a product identification label located on the Side Burner. The grill’s model number, serial number, and gas type must also be provided when contacting your Broilmaster® dealer. For your convenience, complete this section for future reference when contacting your dealer. Grill Information Model No. Dealer Serial No. Dealer Phone No. Gas Type: Propane Natural Date of Purchase Side Burner Information Model No. DPSBSS-1 Dealer Serial No. Dealer Phone No. Gas Type: Propane Natural Date of Purchase B100539-2-0610 Page 3 Page 4 B100539-2-0610 Side Burner Exploded View Parts Diagram PartS liSt PartS liSt All repair part orders should be placed through your local Broilmaster® dealer. To locate a dealer in your area, contact Broilmaster Customer Service at 800-851-3153 • To ensure prompt and accurate service, please provide the following information when placing a repair part order: Model number of your Side Burner, Part Name, Part Number, and Quantity of parts needed. Key No. Part Name Qty. Part Number 1 Handle 1 B059229 2 Side Burner Lid 1 B076984 3 Bumper 2 B100103 4 Screw No. 10 X 3/8 Phillips 2 B053779 5 Control Panel Label 1 B072698 6 Burner Cap 1 B100535 7 Orifice (LP) .91mm 1 B100536 7 Orifice (NAT) 1.73mm 1 B073270 8 Screw M4 X 0.7 X 16mm Self Tapping 2 B100531 9 Burner Head 1 B100534 10 Burner Orifice Holder Assembly (Includes #7) 1 B100533 11 Valve Knob 1 B070084 12 Screw No. 10-24 X 3/8 Phillips 2 B100130 13 Electric Ignitor 1 B072218 14 Valve 1 B070483 15 Ignitor WIre 2 B072684 16 Manifold Tubing 1 B070108 17 Tee Fitting 1 B070323 18 Side Burner S/S Flex Line 10" 1 B100228 19 Side Burner S/S Flex Line 34"...