
Electrical: Line cord included, Nema plug 5-15P Cooking Surface: Cast aluminum. Body Construction: Stainless steel. Specifications subject to change without notice. Cecilware Corporation 43-05 20th. Avenue, LIC NY 11105 Tel: 800.935.2211 /718.932.1414 • Fax: 718.932.7860 Since 1911

Specifications subject to change without notice. Cecilware Corporation 43-05 20th. Avenue, LIC NY 11105 Tel: 800.935.2211 /718.932.1414 • Fax: 718.932.7860 NQ97A (10/07) Since 1911 ® CounterTop Electric Sandwich Grills Models MRSGA-120 Mini Grooved Sandwich Grill MFSGA-120 Mini Flat Sandwich Grill SRSGA-120 Single Grooved Sandwich Grill SFSGA-120 Single Flat Sandwich Grill GFSGA-120 Giant Flat Sandwich Grill Specifications Model Description Surface Type Working Area Dim. WxD Dim

Avenue, LIC NY 11105 Tel: 800.935.2211 /718.932.1414 • Fax: 718.932.7860 NQ97A (10/07) Since 1911 ® CounterTop Electric Sandwich Grills Models MRSGA-120 Mini Grooved Sandwich Grill MFSGA-120 Mini Flat Sandwich Grill SRSGA-120 Single Grooved Sandwich Grill SFSGA-120 Single Flat Sandwich Grill GFSGA-120 Giant Flat Sandwich Grill Specifications Model Description Surface Type Working Area Dim. WxD Dimensions WxDxH Electrical Ship Weight MRSGA-120 Mini Grooved 10" x 10" 10%" x 16" x

15W x 9Vs" 44 lbs. SG1SF Flat 1.8KW, 15A (95/s" x 9") SGI LG Grooved 120V, SG1LF Flat Single Plus 1.8KW, 15A 20Vs" x 17V2" x 9!4" 64 lbs. SGI LG - 240 Grooved 240V, (14Vs"x 11") SG1LF-240 Flat 2.4KW, 10A SG2LG Grooved Double 240V, 22W x 15" x 9Vs" 77 lbs. SG2LF Flat 3.2KW, 13A (2x) (7!/4m x 9") NEMA 5-15P 120V plug NEMA 6-20P 240V plug Model: Model: SG2LG Cecilware Corporation • 43-05 20th Avenue • Long Island City, NY 11105 Tel: 718-932-1414 • Fax: 718-932-7860 • Visit o

9Vs" 77 lbs. SG2LF Flat 3.2KW, 13A (2x) (7!/4m x 9") NEMA 5-15P 120V plug NEMA 6-20P 240V plug Model: Model: SG2LG Cecilware Corporation • 43-05 20th Avenue • Long Island City, NY 11105 Tel: 718-932-1414 • Fax: 718-932-7860 • Visit our website:

licious, grilled foods and panini style sandwiches, use the new Panini Sandwich Grill from Cecilware. Features | ./ Available in single or double grill S Grooved or flat surface ■S Stainless Steel finish S Heavy duty cast steel cooking plate S Counter balanced top plate - ensures even cooking S Temperature up to 570° F S Removable, easy to clean, grease tray ■S Non-slip feet SG1LF Model Surface Type Description Electrical Dimensions W x D x H (Working) Ship Weight SG1SG Grooved Single

These great, new grills cook both sides of a sandwich, hamburger, chicken breast, and many other products simultaneously, so cooking time is cut in half. The self-balanced top surface adjusts to different heights ensuring even cooking of food. For fast, delicious, grilled foods and panini style sandwiches, use the new Panini Sandwich Grill from Cecilware. Features | ./ Available in single or double grill S Grooved or flat surface ■S Stainless Steel finish S Heavy duty cast steel cooking plat

balanced top plate - ensures even cooking S Temperature up to 570° F S Removable, easy to clean, grease tray ■S Non-slip feet SG1LF Model Surface Type Description Electrical Dimensions W x D x H (Working) Ship Weight SG1SG Grooved Single 120V, 15W x 15W x 9Vs" 44 lbs. SG1SF Flat 1.8KW, 15A (95/s" x 9") SGI LG Grooved 120V, SG1LF Flat Single Plus 1.8KW, 15A 20Vs" x 17V2" x 9!4" 64 lbs. SGI LG - 240 Grooved 240V, (14Vs"x 11") SG1LF-240 Flat 2.4KW, 10A SG2LG Grooved Double 240

The self-balanced top surface adjusts to different heights ensuring even cooking of food. For fast, delicious, grilled foods and panini style sandwiches, use the new Panini Sandwich Grill from Cecilware. Features | ./ Available in single or double grill S Grooved or flat surface ■S Stainless Steel finish S Heavy duty cast steel cooking plate S Counter balanced top plate - ensures even cooking S Temperature up to 570° F S Removable, easy to clean, grease tray ■S Non-slip feet SG1LF Mode